Social Security Disability
By : Kristal R. Dahlager | Category : Uncategorized | Comments Off on Social Security Disability
12th Oct 2016
Do you have a condition that limits your ability to work? Attorneys at Anderson Larson may be able to help you make a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.
Pursuing a claim for Social Security Disability benefits can be a long and complicated process. It is beneficial to have an attorney on your side who is familiar with this process.
The Social Security Administration provides benefits to those who are unable to work due to a physical or mental condition that is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to you and certain members of your family as long as you are “insured.” Being insured requires that you have previously worked and that your paychecks were reduced to pay into Social Security. You need to have earned a certain number of credits (you can earn one per quarter or four per year) within a certain period of time since your condition started limiting your ability to work, which is then based on your age. In short, it matters how recent and how long you worked.
If you meet the insured status requirement, the Social Security Administration then evaluates your medical condition to determine whether it in fact limits your ability to work a full time job consistently for at least a 12 month period.
The application and determination process can be long and tedious. The initial application process typically takes 3-6 months for a decision. If denied, you have 60 days to appeal to the Reconsideration stage, which typically takes about 2 months for a decision. If denied, then you have 60 days to appeal to the Administrative Law Judge hearing stage, which is the level that offers the claimant the best chance to receive benefits. However, it takes on average 13 months to schedule this hearing. Due to the long drawn out process, it can be discouraging. Having an experienced attorney on your side will help to alleviate the confusion and discouragement.
At Anderson Larson, we can start helping you at any stage of the process whether it is to complete the initial application or jump in at the hearing stage. If you cannot work or are limited in your ability to work due to a physical or mental condition, please give our office a call to schedule a free consultation.