Tips for Going Through a Child Custody Evaluation
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10th Jun 2016
If you are trying to work out a child custody arrangement with your former partner, there is a chance you will be subject to a child custody evaluation as part of court proceedings. In such a situation, you would sit down with an evaluator and answer a variety of questions. This can be a nerve-racking experience, as you will want to present yourself in the best possible way, but you also will not want it to come off like you are putting on a show for the evaluator.
The following are a few pointers for navigating the custody evaluation process:
- Acknowledge your parental strengths and weaknesses
- Always tell the truth when giving answers to questions about your current life situation and your history
- Answer only the questions that are being asked
- Always focus on the well-being of your children, not yourself
- Acknowledge it would benefit your children to have both of their parents in their lives
- Follow up with your evaluator after the session and ask if there is anything else you can do to help
- Say anything negative about your spouse, as this could come off as you being bitter
- Seek therapy or advice from your evaluator
- Try to coach your children into what they should say about you, as it will be obvious to the evaluator
- Disobey any existing child custody orders
- Be late or completely miss your evaluation appointment
To learn more about child custody proceedings, work with the dedicated family law attorneys at Anderson Larson Saunders & Klaassen PLLP in Willmar, Minnesota.