Department of Transportation Uses Awareness Week to Push Worker Safety
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12th Jul 2012
The Minnesota Department of Transportation observed National Work Zone Awareness Week this April. The goal of the initiative is to remind motorists to drive safely through roads under construction to avoid Accidents involving road workers.
Held every spring, the campaign is meant to coincide with the beginning of the construction season — many projects stop during the winter and begin again when the temperature is more suitable for both workers and materials. This year, there are expected to be about 200 work zones on roads throughout the state.
The theme for this year’s Awareness Week campaign was “Don’t Be That Driver,” a slogan meant to encourage motorists to put down their phones, slow down and pay attention while traveling through work zones.
While the majority of car wrecks in work zones injure drivers and their passengers, construction workers are also at risk of being injured. Accidents involving road workers and pedestrians can lead to serious injuries or death, especially when a driver is speeding.
When a construction worker is hit by a passing vehicle, they can bring a claim against the driver of the offending vehicle, but they may also be able to recover workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation benefits are typically awarded to those injured on the job, regardless of who was at fault for an accident. In cases where both workers’ comp benefits and personal injury damages are possibilities, an experienced lawyer can help an injured worker decide on the right course of action to pursue justice.
If you or someone close to you has suffered an injury at work or on a construction site, speak with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney at Anderson, Larson, Saunders & Klaassen, PLLP today.